
The Treaties are nation to nation agreements between First Nations and the British Crown who are sovereign nations. The Treaties are agreements that cannot be altered or broken by one side of the two Nations. The spirit and intent of the Treaty agreements meant that First Nations peoples would share the land, but retain their inherent rights to lands and resources. Instead, First Nations have experienced a history of colonization which has resulted in outstanding land claims, lack of resources and unequal funding for services such as education and housing.

Rainforest Alliance

Rainforest Alliance trabaja para conservar la biodiversidad y asegurar medios de vida sostenibles transformando las prácticas de uso de suelo, las prácticas empresariales y el comportamiento de los consumidores.


Rainforest Action Network campaigns for the forests, their inhabitants and the natural systems that sustain life by transforming the global marketplace through education, grassroots organizing and non-violent direct action.

Esto lo cambia todo – El capitalismo contra el clima

En este libro, Naomi Klein sostiene que el cambio climático es una alerta que nos obliga a replantearnos nuestro actual modelo económico, ya fracasado en muchos aspectos, y defiende que la reducción masiva de emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero es la única oportunidad de acortar las enormes desigualdades económicas, replantear nuestras democracias fracturadas y reconstruir las economías locales.